Time Warp Drive-In

Time Warp Drive-In

Illustrator: Holtermonster
My Role: Animator

Time Warp Drive-In has always been one of my most favorite things in Memphis. When I remember it exists at all my faith in humanity is restored. Ok, that’s a bit much, but in all honesty the fact that I got to contribute is a real bucket-list item, and an absolute honor.

Time Warp is a series of movie marathons on the last Saturday of every month at the last drive-in in Memphis, not to mention one of the last still in the whole country that is still in operation. These dusk-til-dawn curated evenings are a love letter to cinema, and more specifically enjoying the movies as a community. The films are curated by the lovely people at Black Lodge–Memphis’ original cult underground video store, with additional curation from Guerilla Monster Films. Each month has a different theme, from slasher flicks to director showcases. Time Warp has been bring in all walks of life to enjoy the movies and keep the Malco Summer Drive-In going for over ten years.

An integral part of the events as a whole is the design and illustration by Lauren Rae Holterman, aka Holtermonster. Not only does she create a new branding suite every year but she also cranks out amazing posters for each month that showcases her top tier vector illustration and typography skills. Each year has a different style to it and I am always in awe of her range of creativity. Check out her archives of past years art here.

In 2023 she approached me with a collaboration idea: to get these designs on the big screen itself. Lauren and crew had been talking for a while about having something playing before and in between each film and she tapped me to bring her visuals to life on the big screen. I took her designs and created the main title sequence and a “coming soon” sequence–letting people know what to expect in the coming months–as well as animating a few of her monthly themed poster designs. If anything I knew I had to do something for the audience favorite yearly “Shocktober”, but I got the chance to do a few others as well.

The Time Warp Drive-In stands out as a truly unique local event, providing a nostalgic and community-centered experience that reflects Memphis’ distinctive character. Lauren has been there since day one and I think it’s safe to say it would not be what it is without her. Thanks again, Holtermonster, for letting me be a part of it!